Sunday, April 29, 2012

Be hated Love someone

Here is my first blog. hope you'll like it. I am not a great writer but just giving it a try. 

Half and half (,  a article I read yesterday courtesy one of my friends. Liked it very  much tough. Then it came to my mind why i shall not put up my thoughts  about it. 

So what is love. For me love is nothing and  everything at the same time. It's the feeling which can not be compared  to any other feeling. Love can make a person very strong as well as weak  at the same time. Wars have been fought over love and warriors have  destroyed themselves over it. Love in modern day is very different then  what in ancient times. Love is electronical these days, people fall in  on facebook, chat emails etc.. In ancient times people use to fight for  love, today people with their love. 

Well different  times different approaches, only thing that have remained constant is  LOVE. Love can be between a mother and her child, father and his  daughter, a husband and a wife, girlfriend and boyfriend or even  friends. 

I have been in love once.No more on that ! 

What I feel about love? I feel love is the most powerful emotion that can  ever exist in this universe. All other powers are a subset of love. Be  it loyalty of a solider towards its country or a brother's protection of  his sister. All are there because of love. 

Where is love ? Well you have to find it. No one knows this answer. 
To  love someone is very hard. You need a single reason to  hate somebody but love needs full acceptance. Loving some one requires  courage. It may make you weak for a while but you will gain internal  strength. From inside you will become more and more powerful. Love is  growing inside you! 

When a person loves someone he/she  don't expect it back from the person. That is how loves works. You might  or might not get back it from the same person, but there are always  other persons who will love you. So love someone, not hate. it doesn't  matter the same person loves you or not. but eventually they will respect  your love!. 


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