Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Day at a MNC

A bit late on my blog but now i'll try to keep up

So around a week back i joined a MNC as an intern for this summer. The first day was an introduction to the company. I noticed a couple of differences in the culture over there as compared to what we are generally used to.

So the major difference was that in my collage everything we use to do was open source and free. it  was linux , scilab, our codes or other software we use. our thinking was also always like open source. Whatever you think, what ever you do let others know. let them also be benefited by your help. 

Here the rules of the game have changed. Everything you do has to be confidential. You shall not share and information which is important with anyone else. its like secret keeping, even the work it different. The environment is good but you have to wear formals and all everyday.

In all a different experience , the time will tell was it good or bad.

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